Picnic 24th batch

On the day of 26th of magh 2076, our school helped students of grade 10 to organize picnic for them as well as for the teachers. Deepak sir was the head person to conduct this picnic successfully.

We all were called before 7:30 am to move to our destination.our destination was a surprise and later we found that we are going to TOkha for the picnic.In the morning, some of the students helped to do catering work and carried ingredients needed for picnic.After loading the stuffs in the bus we moved ahead.After some time we reached Tokha, we all students unloaded the our stuffs like carpet,utensils,speaker etc.After unloading we all students performed their own specific job like cutting,cleaning etc. We prepared the breakfast and ate it together.we cleaned our own dishes and danced later.Then we prepare our lunch in which our friend abhishek helped sister to cook food for all the people in picnic.The lunch made by them were delicious.After eating we took some rest and decided to hike a hill and we went for hiking and saw the water tanks and came back.The school organized a bingo game where the winner can get a cup as a prize.Then student conducted two more games for the teacher.later we gave gifts to all the teachers as well as our other guests.After having our dinner we came to back our home singing and dancing in the bus.


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